Club Rules
All of the following rules and regulations are for the protection and benefit of all members. These rules have been established to ensure safe and sanitary operation of the club facilities. Parents are requested to caution their children, whether accompanied or unaccompanied, to observe all rules and to obey the instructions of the lifeguards, the pool manager and assistant manager, board members, and other employees. Any failure to comply with these rules may be considered sufficient cause for immediate suspension of club privileges by action of the pool manager, the gate attendants, Board of Directors, or pool president for the offending member and can also be considered sufficient cause for review of membership.
Health and Safety Rules
To safeguard the health of all members, any individuals having infections of the skin, eyes, respiratory, or gastrointestinal systems; or bleeding cuts and scrapes; will be excluded from the pool.
No pets except service animals are allowed in the pool enclosure.
No glass containers are allowed on club premises.
Visibly intoxicated persons may be denied entry to the pool or asked to leave at management's discretion.
No firearms are permitted inside the pool enclosure.
Food consumption is only allowed in the grassy areas, pavilion, and other concrete areas not adjacent to the pool.
No chewing gum or smokeless tobacco shall be used on club premises.
Only swimwear shall be worn into the pool (e.g. no cutoffs, athletic shorts, sports bras or other undergarments) with the exception that tshirts are permitted. No footwear except water shoes may be worn into the pool. Eyewear of any kind is permitted to be worn in the pool as long as it contains no glass.
Infants without rubber or plastic pants will not be allowed in the pool. Disposable as well as cloth diapers must be covered by plastic pants.
Spitting, nose blowing, or urinating in the pools is prohibited.
Smoking and vaping are not permitted inside the pool enclosure. Smoking is permitted in the parking lot only. There is no smoking on club premises by persons under 18 years of age.
Pool Use Rules
No person shall use the pool unless it is officially open and lifeguards are on duty. Management may close all or part of the pool to accommodate swim and dive events.
Beach balls, nerf balls, koosh balls, and other soft projectiles are allowed under uncrowded conditions and at the discretion of the pool manager. Pool toys are generally permitted. Hard solid objects of any kind may not be thrown in the pools. Toys with sharp edges or pointed parts are not permitted on the pool grounds.
Rubber or plastic inner tubes, inflatable toys, rafts, and kickboards are allowed in the pool under uncrowded conditions at the discretion of the pool manager. Multiple persons may occupy the above items unless they exhibit unsafe or unruly behavior. Swim fins are permitted at lifeguard discretion. Life jackets and water wings are permitted in the shallow end of the pool and in the intermediate pool only.
Chairs cannot be placed on the concrete areas within six feet of the pool or in any location that blocks walkways. Chairs may be allowed closer to the pool during swim and dive meets.
Use of the wading pool is restricted to children under 8 years of age. Parents or member caretakers designated by the parents (14 years of age and older) must accompany and be fully responsible for children in the wading pool area. No rough horseplay is permitted in the wading pool.
Use of the intermediate pool may be restricted to younger children and nonswimmers at the discretion of the pool manager depending on pool conditions. No rafts or inner tubes larger than 18 inches in diameter are allowed in the intermediate pool. No rough horseplay is allowed in the intermediate pool.
While on club premises, children under 10 years of age must be accompanied at all times by a parent or member caretaker 14 years of age or older.
All audio and video devices must be used with headphones. Music played over the club’s speaker system shall be limited to approved radio stations or playlists. At a member or neighbor's request, the music shall be turned down or off.
No foul, abusive, or derogatory language will be tolerated on club premises. Threatening language or behavior is likewise prohibited and should be reported to the lifeguards.
Members are held responsible for the actions of their children and guests. The cost of all property damage may be charged to the responsible member.
All injuries occurring on club property must be reported to the pool manager and, at all other times, to a board member immediately.
Swimming and Diving Rules
The pool may be temporarily closed to swimming due to inclement weather at the discretion of the pool manager or lifeguards. Swimmers must clear the pool immediately upon the lifeguard's whistle. Lifeguards have the full authority to clear the pool of swimmers in cases of emergency.
Only those persons able to demonstrate to lifeguards on demand their ability to handle themselves well in deep water will be allowed in water over their shoulders. All members ages 10 and under must successfully pass a swim test, consisting of swimming the length of the pool and treading water for 30 seconds, before they will be permitted to use the diving well and diving boards. Children wearing life jackets or firmly attached arm floats will be allowed in the shallow end of the main pool provided a caretaker is in arm's reach.
Diving boards may be used by children with limited swimming skills or those wearing flotation devices firmly attached to the body provided those children can demonstrate their ability to swim safely to the ladder and provided a caretaker is present in the water or on the pool deck adjacent to the board ready to provide immediate assistance.
At the discretion of the lifeguards, the diving boards may be closed when the pool is crowded, for safety considerations and in order to utilize the full area of the pool for swimming. Boards may also be closed for short periods upon request of a member when pool conditions allow.
Extra lap lanes may be requested by members and installed at the discretion of the pool manager when pool conditions allow. Members may be asked to share a lap lane if pool conditions are crowded.
No one is allowed in the lap lane unless swimming laps or entering or leaving the pool. Swimmers must enter or leave the pool through the lap lane without disturbing lap swimmers.
The main and intermediate pool will be reserved for adults only (18 years and older) for 15 minutes leading to top of the hour. The lifeguards may, depending on conditions, leave the pool open to younger members during this time.
No diving is permitted from the deck where the water depth is less than 4 ½ feet or where the deck is marked "No Diving." Only forward surface dives are allowed off the deck. No one may dive into the pool over an installed lane line.
No horseplay on or around the diving boards or pool deck. No running on pool deck or diving boards. No pushing/shoving or throwing persons into the water from the diving board or pool deck.
Only one person is permitted on a diving board at a time.
Divers are not permitted to jump off the sides of the boards.
After surfacing, divers must swim immediately to the nearest ladder or out of the diving area.
No one may dive until the previous diver has cleared the area below the board.
Double or multiple bouncing on the board is prohibited except under the direct supervision of a diving coach during dive practices.
General Rules
Members must maintain, at the registration desk, current photographs of all persons on their membership.
All members must sign in at the registration desk and await acknowledgment or verification of membership by the gate attendant before entering the pool area.
Gate attendants will refuse entry to any member or guest when fees owed the club have not been paid, a suspension action is in effect, or misrepresentation of membership or guest status has been discovered. Members who have not paid their dues or fees shall not be allowed to use the facilities either as members or as guests.
All members bringing in guests shall register them in writing at the desk. Guests under two years of age accompanied by an adult member shall be allowed to enter the pool without charge.
The club will not discriminate based on age, race, religion, national origin, gender, or disability.
Loitering outside the pool area or around the gatehouse is not permitted.
Solicitation of any type is prohibited on pool property.
Three Strikes Policy
Springfield Swimming Club is implementing a Three Strikes and You're Out Policy for the 2022 Season. This policy will provide the pool manager, lifeguards, and/or board members a clear process for handling violations of the club rules.
1. First offenses are served with an official warning by any authority outlined in the Club rules. The member and/or member guest will be requested to sit out of the pool for a period not to exceed 10 minutes. If there is an adult or caregiver accompanying a junior member and/or guest, they will also be verbally notified.
2. The second offense will require that the member and/or member guest sit out of the pool for a minimum of 10 minutes, but not to exceed 20 minutes. If an adult or caregiver is not accompanying a junior member and/or junior guest, they may be notified by phone or text.
3. Upon the third offense, the Club authority is permitted to revoke membership privileges for the remainder of the day, in addition to notifying the member family in writing. Re-entry will not be permitted.
This policy is intended for offenses within the same day, and will reset following closing and reopening the following day. Repeat offenders are subject to membership review by the club's board of directors.