Standards of Conduct
NVSL® Standards of Conduct
The following Standards of Conduct shall guide swimming and diving within the Northern Virginia Swim League (NVSL). They promote respect, fairness, civility, honesty, responsibility, and appropriate behavior.The Standards foster a positive environment at all swim and dive meets; establish an atmosphere of respect for all participants, officials, and spectators; produce positive learning outcomes for all; build participant and team spirit; and enhance the sports of swimming and diving.
All Athletes, Coaches, Team Representatives, Officials, Parents/Spectators, and NVSL Leadership shall:
Abide by the established rules of the NVSL.
Respect all officials at all times and address them in a courteous manner.
Avoid using inappropriate language, profanity, humiliating or intimidating remarks or behavior, (including through social media), verbal or physical assault toward any athlete, coach, Team Representative, official, NVSL leadership representative, or spectator.
Follow applicable management, pool, and facility rules, respecting others’ property at all times.
Display respect, courtesy, and good manners toward athletes, coaches, Team Representatives, and spectators. Team Representatives shall assist officials in maintaining control of spectators during meets.
Demonstrate humility in victory and courtesy in defeat.
Head Coaches shall:
Ensure athletes and assistant coaches demonstrate maturity and good sportsmanship toward other athletes, officials, coaches, and spectators at all times.
Lead by example to instill a love for the sport, advanced aquatic skills, teamwork and good sportsmanship in their team.
Spectators shall:
Maintain an appropriate distance from the competition area by remaining in established viewing areas and shall not encroach the pool deck or interfere with any officials.
Not engage in loud, intimidating, disrespectful, or negative behavior toward officials, athletes, other spectators, support personnel, or pool staff (including lifeguards).